Break free and grow beyond your past to a brighter future.

Do you ever feel stuck? Stuck in the past, or living with regret? Stuck in an addiction with hidden secrets of shame? Stuck in abuse, paralyzed by fear and poisoned by unforgiveness? Stuck in anger because things seem unfair, and you are weary of waiting for your breakthrough? If so, you are in the right place. Stuck in the Storm offers hope when all hope seems lost. This book gives a step-by-step approach to facing your storms head-on and healing, so your life can bloom the way God intends. Today is the day to break free and grow beyond your past to a brighter future! 


Glo While You Grow

Meet Glo, a radiant little blossom ready to share her light with the world. But when storms arise and the journey gets tough, Glo learns that even the brightest blooms need help to grow. Guided by her loving Gardener, Glo discovers the power of faith, resilience, and planting seeds of hope wherever she goes.

      Let Glo's journey inspire your little ones to shine brightly, grow strong, and spread kindness, no matter what comes their way!




Blooming Through Life's Greatest Tragedies

Experience the inspiring and incredible story of miraculous healing, divine intervention, trauma recovery, restoration of a broken marriage, and more. If you or someone you know have struggled through trials, depression, or trauma, this book is for you!

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Meet The Author

Cassidy is a bestselling author and motivational speaker who has chosen to use her walk through abuse, brain injury, addiction recovery, marriage separation, and raising multiples to become her message of hope. Her passion is to encourage others to dig deeper and find healing from past wounds and freedom in forgiveness. Cassidy resides outside of Chicago with her husband of twenty years and five incredible children whom she homeschools. Check out her other books: I Can I Have I Will, and her first children's book, Glo While You Grow.

For Media or Booking Inquiries

To contact Cassidy for public speaking engagements or for general inquiries, please contact her at [email protected]

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